Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness - August 2020

Hello my lovely blogging friends!

I hope you are all keeping safe and well in these strange times! 

I meant to write last month, but we had a big storm here on 13 August.  That day I stood in our kitchen looking out of the window talking to the cat when lightening forked down towards our house! I suddenly wondered what I was doing standing there when I heard a small "pop" ..... that was the lightening hitting the telepjone lines leading to our house. We had no internet for three weeks while the repairs went on! 

Still, we have our connection again now and so today I’m joining Jo’s Gifted Gorgeousness, where we share gifts given and received over the month. Read all about it on Jo's  blog hhttps://serendipitousstitching.blogspot.com/2020/09/september-gifted-gorgeousness-link-up.htmlere - 

Darn, it's like starting at school all over again!!

This is a gift I received soon after “Lock down”, from one of my handicraft friends:
It is made in the method of EPP (English Paper Piecing) - i.e. lots of tiny pieces of material stitched together with teeny tiny stitches! You can just see the tiny stitches in the third photo.